Friday 26 June 2020

My Ako Hiko Slide

Hi again this is my Ako Hiko Slide that I have done and it is all about the Toolkit's I did on Thursday I enjoyed it so much the Toolkit's is when all the nearby and community school get together and do an activity to learn about. It was so much fun and interesting to learn how to use different sites. If you did an activity comment down below to tell me what ones you did!!!!!. 


Thursday 25 June 2020

Splash Spud game

Hey bloggers I have done a game and I had made it up and mixed a game with water and hopefully you guys can try it out or hopefully enjoy reading what it is about. The activity was super fun and I hope you guys would make one then post it on your blog. If you can't think of a game mix two games together and create it a little different (e.g dodge ball and hide and seek). I used google drawing for it and I would say for a tip use your imagination

Friday 19 June 2020

My respond letter to Carla!!!!!!

Hey bloggers this is my other chapter chat activity that I have done and it is me as Bradley responding to Carla's letter and I have enjoyed responding because I have actually never got a letter from people except from 1 or two people. If you guys did this maybe respond to what they wrote so that it does sound like you responded to them.

Dear Carla,


Good to talk to

A good counselor

I thank you for the book that you gave me. I appreciate it and I love it. I am so sad that you have gone and I know it was from the heart.I forgive you for hurting me but why did you have to go? You were one thing I loved at school. I’m sorry if I have hurt you too. I was not in the mood to come see you Friday and Saturday to help you because it was just too hard to say goodbye.I don’t mind you giving it, it's just that when you said you’ll leave it broke my heart so then I ripped it up and didn’t want to give it to Mrs Ebbel. Thank you for telling me that I can do anything. I will learn to not rip it up next time.I wasn’t myself so I didn’t go to Colleen's birthday party. I’ll know that there would be lots of different parties and I know I will go to one hopefully. You will always be special to me too.It is always a pleasure to see you Carla and I wish you stayed as counselor

Yours Sincerely

Bradley chalkers  

My Elephant Slide!!!!!!!

Hey bloggers I have finished a slide about elephants and I have enjoyed this activity because I learned about them while doing the slide. The most interesting thing I found about it was everything about where they live, what they eat etc. I am enjoying the book so far it is a little sad.
If you read the book did you enjoy it????

Wednesday 17 June 2020

My Garage!!!!!

Hey bloggers I have just finished my garage well it is not mine it is the description in the book of boy's in the girls bathroom except I could add what I wanted in it. I found it easy because I know what to put in my garage and I know what garages can have. I'm Enjoying the book so far.
I know the background isn't nice but hopefully it is good
Blog you guys sooooooon!!!!!!!!

Friday 12 June 2020

My book creator story about Bradley's toys

Hey Bloggers I finished a task that I did and it was book creator. What I had to do was I am mean't to create a book and an adventure about Bradley's toys. I found it difficult because it was a challenge to figure out what to write on it. The interesting thing was there were different font's to do and let my imagination go wild.
Here are some tips: 
1. Let your imagination go wild unless you have to write about something specific
2. Have fun doing it
The Book is very funny and interesting and sometimes gross

Friday 5 June 2020

Bradley's monster

Hey Bloggers Today I finished a Diagram of Bradley's monster you might be thinking who is Bradley well he is a character in there is a boy in the girls bathroom and first he turns out a bully but he comes to sense. It was quite difficult doing this because it was hard to do all of it it might look easy but it is quite hard to copy and paste it and move it all the time. I haven't learned anything doing this but I wonder if you have. Their is two top tips to give to you:
1. Give it your best
2. Have fun while doing it
I am enjoying the book so far and it is quite funny