Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Picture prompt

As I fly high in the air I feel the wind blowing through my hair. I smell  food cooking as I am gliding down. As I am dropping I hear the waves crashing against each other on the edge of the beach.  As I glide slowly towards the ground I see grass swaying side to side calmly on a cold windy day.As I am slowly closing in to the ground I landed safely and calmly on the soft calm thick field of grass. What I think as I landed is how far from where I was to where I am now. I was challenged to jump from the moon to earth. I see fluffy clouds nearby I want to sleep on them but as I am going down to the ground I let all of my tension go away.


  1. Hi Ariella-Brooke, I like what you wrote. It was very interestingand had a lot of adjectives, and felt like we I there and it was real.

    By Isabella and Charlotte

  2. You have a way in drawing a reader into your world through your words. You have great use of adjectives and similes and your writing has definitely progressed to whole new level...keep reading....keep writing...keep being are getting better and better each time. Malo lava Ariella-Brooke! Mummy

    1. Talofa Mummy. Thanks for your comment. A challenge that I faced when doing this picture prompt was trying to find as much similes as I could.

      Have you ever tried to do screenshots?
      Blog you later

  3. Kia orana, My name is Ileana from room 24. I really liked your blog post about your picture prompt.I haven't done this before and it looks really fun.

    Thanks for sharing your
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    Blog you later,


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